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Practice like champions.

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830 Altman Road

Wauchula, FL  33873


Universal STARS Performance Itinerary: May 8, 2021


Meeting Location: Band Room

Meeting Time: 7:30 AM

Performance Time: 12:00 PM

Performance Location: Citywalk Lagoon Stage (inside Citywalk)

Return Time: approximately 11:00 PM


Students Need to Wear: 

“concert black” NO T-SHIRTS, NO JEANS. Black and/or white dress clothes. 

Face masks are also required at Universal at all times. 

Students Need to Bring: 

Comfortable clothes to change into following the performance

Money for food (at least two meals, and they’re EXPENSIVE!)


7:30 AM - students report to HHS campus, load up instruments and music onto bus

8:00 AM - depart for Universal Citywalk

9:30 AM - arrive at Citywalk bus loop, 1 hour of free time in Universal Citywalk

10:30 AM - meet back at the bus loop to meet our “guide” from Universal STARS and go to the warm up area

12:00 PM - perform on Citywalk Lagoon Stage

12:20 PM - return to warm up area to change clothes and get instruments

12:45 PM - return instruments to bus at bus loop, distribute park tickets to students. Students have free time until 9:00 park close.

1:00 PM - Chorus performance on Citywalk Lagoon Stage

9:00 PM - both parks close, head to Citywalk bus loop

9:15 PM - depart Universal

11:00 PM - arrive at HHS band room, unload instruments

11:15 PM - go home and go to sleep.

Any questions, hit up Mr. Thompson on Remind or 

***IMPORTANT*** Sign up for text message updates for the high school band via Remind 101: instructions on back. If any dates or times change, Remind is the primary way Mr. Thompson gets the word out.


*Parents: send Mr. Thompson an e-mail at to be added to the “Band Parents” e-mail list.

-Sign up for REMIND 101 (see instructions below).  This is required for all students and highly encouraged for all parents.


“The Blue Star Brigade is . . .

“P” “Preparation!”

“R” “Respect!”

“I” “Integrity!”

“D” “Discipline!”

“E” “Excellence!”


We take pride in everything we do.  We work hard to be prepared for every event and performance.  We show respect to each other, our leaders, our facilities, our equipment and our community.  We always strive to act with the highest integrity.  We practice discipline so that we will represent ourselves, our school and our community well.  And, our goal is excellence in everything we do.  That is why we have PRIDE!


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